The iQuesta API allows to publish and view offers on The API follows the REST architecture. This architecture uses the various HTTP protocol methods to interact with resources.
Request URL is decomposed into segments separated by slashes.
<Root URL>/<ID>/<Hashed string>/<Other segments>.<format>
Authentication is made with two components: the user ID and hashed string that is used as a key.
The ID is provided by iQuesta. It allows the API to know who is making the request. If a wrong ID is provided in the URL, a response code 401 is returned.
Access : To get access to iQuesta API, please contact us.
Note : By default, all IDs are in “test mode”. All POST and DELETE requests will have no effect on database. This mode allows you to test the API.
iQuesta provides a unique hash key. This key must be kept secret. For each request to the API, Each request to the API, a part of the URL has to be hashed with the private key. The resulting hashed string is placed into the second segment of the URL (after ID segment).
Chain to be hashed is the URL from the name of the resource. On the following examples, you can see which part of the URL has to be hashed. :
Note : we also hash the slash just before the name of the resource.
The following examples are incorrect: :
The algorithm used is SHA-256 with the secret key hash. If you use PHP to call the API, you can use the hash_hmac
You can choose the format of the answer to a query. Just add the name preceded by a dot “.”, in the manner of a file extension.
Currently supported formats are XML (.xml) and JSON (.json). The default format is JSON.<ID>/<KEY>/offer/<OFFER_ID><ID>/<KEY>/offer/reference/<REFERENCE>
{ "responseStatus": 200, "message": "OK", "content": { "address": "2 rue du Docteur Leroy", "applicationURL": "", "city": "Le Mans", "companyId": "3443", "companyName": "", "compensation": "à définir", "contact": "Julien Menut", "contactPhone": null, "contract": { "name": "Stage", "id": "1" }, "country": { "name": "Géorgie", "id": "95" }, "dateBeginMax": "2017/03/01", "dateBeginMin": "2017/03/27", "departmentId": null, "description": "Existant depuis 1999 et N°1 à très forte croissance de la vente sur internet de ...", "durationMax": "4", "durationMin": "4", "expirationDate": "2017-05-13", "foreignCity": "test", "id": "251058", "isExternalApplication": "0", "isPremium": "0", "level": { "name": "BAC+1", "id": "1" }, "place": null, "reference": "251058", "region": { "name": null, "id": null }, "status": 1, "subject": { "name": "Achat", "id": "1" }, "submissionDate": "2017-03-13 00:00:00", "title": "sdsqd", "validationDate": null, "zipCode": "72000" } }<ID>/<KEY>/offer
Field | Required | Type | Description |
applicationEmail |
yes | string | Application email. |
applicationURL |
no | string | Link on the application page if the application is made outside site. |
companyId |
yes | no | int | Offer company ID. This ID is provided by iQuesta. If not provided, contactEmail become required. |
contractId |
yes | int | Contract ID. |
countryId |
yes | int | Country ID. |
dateBeginMax |
yes | date (yyyy-mm-dd) | Begin date at the latest. It must be in yyyy-mm-dd format. |
dateBeginMin |
yes | date (yyyy-mm-dd) | Begin date of the offer. It must be in yyyy-mm-dd format (American format). |
description |
yes | string | Offer description. |
regionId |
yes | int | Region ID. If countryId is equal 1 (France), this field must be equal to 0. |
subjectId |
yes | int | Subject ID. |
address |
no | string | Offer address. |
city |
no | string | City of the work place. |
companyName |
yes | no | string | Company name, become required if companyId is not provided |
compensation |
no | string | Compensation |
contact |
no | string | Contact first name and last name |
contactPhone |
no | string | Contact phone |
contactEmail |
yes | no | string | Contact email, become required if companyId is not provided |
reference |
yes | string | Offer reference. |
title |
yes | string | Offer title. |
durationMin |
yes | no | int | Minimum duration. If the offer is a permanent contract, this field must be equal to 0. |
durationMax |
no | int | Maximum duration |
durationType |
no | int | Only for missions. Duration format. Possible values: 1 => Hours ; 2 => Days ; 3 => Weeks ; 4 => Months |
isPremium |
no | int | Set to 1 if job posting is paid on broadcaster website |
studyLevels |
no | array | Study level of the wanted applicant. |
zipCode |
no | string | Zip code of the work place. |
{ "responseStatus": 200, "message": "OK", "content": { "offerId": "254431", "companyId": "73452" } }<ID>/<KEY>/offer/<OFFER_ID><ID>/<KEY>/offer/reference/<REFERENCE>
{ "responseStatus": 200, "message": "OK", "content": "Offer 254435 has been deleted" }<ID>/<KEY>/offer/search/?param1=value1¶m2=value2&...
Field | Type | Description |
contract |
int | Contract ID. |
subject |
int | Subject ID. |
begin |
int | Begin month. |
duration |
int | Minimum duration. |
region |
int | Region ID. |
itemsPerPage |
int | Number of offers per page. |
page |
int | Number of pages. |
{ "responseStatus": 200, "count": "6", "rows": [ { id: 163720 address: "2 rue du Docteur Leroy" applicationEmail: "" applicationUrl: charterType: "0" chosenSchoolList: null city: "Le Mans" companyDescription: "Nos atouts sont la richesse et la qualité de notre offre, la qualité de notre contenu éditorial interactif, ..." companyId: "31739" companyGroupId: "31958" companyName: "iQuesta" compensation: "à définir" contact: "Xavier Barbez" contactPhone: "01 42 64 01 42" departmentId: null offerDescription: "Existant depuis 1999 et N°1 à très forte croissance de la vente sur internet de ..." dateBeginMax: "2014-07-01 00:00:00" dateBeginMin: "2014-07-15 00:00:00" durationMin: "1" durationMax: "1" expirationDate: "2014-12-22 00:00:00" foreignCity: "" handiClickCount: "0" hasLogo: true hidesPhone: true iqClickCount: "10009" isCopy: "0" isExternalApplication: "1" isSentToSchools: "1" studyLevels: "100" maxBeginMonth: "10" minBeginMonth: "11" parentOfferId: "0" partnerId: "1" place: "" ponctuelle: "" reference: "IQ_Animaute" siteType: "1" source: "0" status: 1 submissionDate: "2014-06-20 10:06:24" subscriptionId: 0 title: "Assistant Chef de Produit E-commerce H/F" validationDate: "2014-06-20 10:25:04" zipCode: "72000" maxBeginDate: "2014-07-01 00:00:00" minBeginDate: "2014-07-15 00:00:00" contract: { id: 1 categoryId: "1" name: "Stage" } country: { id: 1 name: "France" } discipline: { id: 1 name: "Achat" } region: { id: 13 name: "Ile de France" } subject: { id: 1 name: "Achat" disciplineId: "1" } }, { id: 163721 address: "2 rue du Docteur Leroy" applicationEmail: "" applicationUrl: charterType: "0" chosenSchoolList: null city: "Le Mans" companyDescription: "Nos atouts sont la richesse et la qualité de notre offre, la qualité de notre contenu éditorial interactif, ..." companyId: "31739" companyGroupId: "31958" companyName: "iQuesta" compensation: "à définir" contact: "Xavier Barbez" contactPhone: "01 42 64 01 42" departmentId: null offerDescription: "Existant depuis 1999 et N°1 à très forte croissance de la vente sur internet de ..." dateBeginMax: "2014-07-01 00:00:00" dateBeginMin: "2014-07-15 00:00:00" durationMin: "1" durationMax: "1" expirationDate: "2014-12-22 00:00:00" foreignCity: "" handiClickCount: "0" hasLogo: true hidesPhone: true iqClickCount: "10009" isCopy: "0" isExternalApplication: "1" isSentToSchools: "1" studyLevels: "100" maxBeginMonth: "10" minBeginMonth: "11" parentOfferId: "0" partnerId: "1" place: "" ponctuelle: "" reference: "IQ_Animaute" siteType: "1" source: "0" status: 1 submissionDate: "2014-06-20 10:06:24" subscriptionId: 0 title: "Assistant Chef de Produit E-commerce H/F" validationDate: "2014-06-20 10:25:04" zipCode: "72000" maxBeginDate: "2014-07-01 00:00:00" minBeginDate: "2014-07-15 00:00:00" contract: { id: 1 categoryId: "1" name: "Stage" } country: { id: 1 name: "France" } discipline: { id: 1 name: "Achat" } region: { id: 13 name: "Ile de France" } subject: { id: 1 name: "Achat" disciplineId: "1" } }, ... ] }
field indicates the total number of query results, regardless of the settings itemsPerPage
and page
{ "responseStatus": 200, "message": "OK", "content": { "credit": "unlimited" } }
{ "responseStatus": 200, "message": "OK", "content": { "credit": "10" } }
ID | Name |
1 | Stage |
2 | Contrat en alternance |
3 | VIE |
4 | CDD |
6 | CDI |
8 | Job à temps partiel |
9 | Job à temps plein |
10 | Mission ponctuelle |
ID | Name |
1 | France |
4 | Allemagne |
5 | Autriche |
2 | Belgique |
6 | Chypre |
7 | Danemark |
8 | Espagne |
9 | Finlande |
10 | Grèce |
11 | Irlande |
12 | Italie |
13 | Lettonie |
14 | Lituanie |
3 | Luxembourg |
15 | Malte |
16 | Norvège |
17 | Pays-Bas |
18 | Pologne |
19 | Portugal |
20 | République Tchèque |
21 | Royaume-Uni |
22 | Slovaquie |
23 | Slovénie |
24 | Afghanistan |
25 | Afrique du Sud |
26 | Albanie |
27 | Algérie |
28 | Andorre |
29 | Angola |
30 | Anguilla |
32 | Antigua-et-Barbuda |
33 | Antilles néerlandaises |
34 | Arabie Saoudite |
35 | Argentine |
36 | Arménie |
37 | Aruba |
38 | Australie |
39 | Autorité Palestinienne |
40 | Azerbaïdjan |
41 | Bahamas |
42 | Bahreïn |
43 | Bangladesh |
44 | Barbade |
45 | Belize |
46 | Bénin |
47 | Bermudes |
48 | Bhoutan |
49 | Biélorussie |
50 | Bolivie |
51 | Bosnie-Herzégovine |
52 | Botswana |
54 | Brésil |
55 | Brunei |
56 | Bulgarie |
57 | Burkina Faso |
58 | Burundi |
59 | Caïmans (îles) |
60 | Cambodge |
61 | Cameroun |
62 | Canada |
64 | Chili |
65 | Chine |
69 | Colombie |
70 | Comores |
71 | Congo |
72 | Congo (RDC) |
73 | Cook (îles) |
74 | Corée |
75 | Corée du Nord |
76 | Costa Rica |
77 | Côte D'Ivoire |
78 | Croatie (Hrvatska) |
79 | Cuba |
81 | Djibouti |
82 | Dominique |
83 | Égypte |
84 | Émirats arabes unis |
85 | Équateur |
86 | Érythrée |
87 | Estonie |
88 | États-Unis |
89 | Éthiopie |
91 | Féroé (îles) |
92 | Fidji (îles) |
93 | Gabon |
94 | Gambie |
95 | Géorgie |
97 | Ghana |
98 | Gibraltar |
99 | Grenade |
100 | Groenland |
101 | Guadeloupe |
102 | Guam |
103 | Guatemala |
104 | Guernsey |
105 | Guinée |
106 | Guinée équatoriale |
107 | Guinée-Bissau |
108 | Guyane |
109 | Guyane française |
110 | Haïti |
112 | Honduras |
113 | Hongrie |
115 | Île de Man |
116 | Inde |
117 | Indonésie |
118 | Irak |
119 | Iran |
120 | Islande |
121 | Israël |
122 | Jamaïque |
123 | Japon |
124 | Jersey |
125 | Jordanie |
126 | Kazakhstan |
127 | Kenya |
128 | Kirghizistan |
129 | Kiribati |
130 | Koweït |
131 | La Réunion |
132 | Laos |
133 | Lesotho |
134 | Liban |
135 | Libéria |
136 | Libye |
137 | Liechtenstein |
138 | Madagascar |
139 | Malaisie |
140 | Malawi |
141 | Maldives |
142 | Mali |
143 | Malouines (îles) |
145 | Maroc |
146 | Marshall (îles) |
147 | Martinique |
148 | Maurice |
149 | Mauritanie |
150 | Mayotte |
151 | Mexique |
152 | Micronésie |
153 | Moldavie |
154 | Monaco |
155 | Mongolie |
156 | Montserrat |
157 | Mozambique |
158 | Myanmar |
159 | Namibie |
160 | Nauru |
161 | Népal |
162 | Nicaragua |
163 | Niger |
164 | Nigéria |
165 | Niue |
167 | Nouvelle-Calédonie |
168 | Nouvelle-Zélande |
169 | Oman |
170 | Ouganda |
171 | Ouzbékistan |
172 | Pakistan |
173 | Palau |
174 | Panama |
175 | Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée |
176 | Paraguay |
177 | Pérou |
178 | Philippines |
180 | Polynésie française |
181 | Porto Rico |
182 | Qatar |
183 | Hong Kong |
184 | Macao |
185 | République centrafricaine |
186 | République dominicaine |
187 | Roumanie |
188 | Russie |
189 | Rwanda |
193 | Saint-Marin |
196 | Salomon (îles) |
197 | Salvador |
198 | Samoa |
201 | Sénégal |
202 | Seychelles |
203 | Sierra Leone |
204 | Singapour |
205 | Somalie |
206 | Soudan |
207 | Sri Lanka |
208 | Suède |
209 | Suisse |
210 | Surinam |
212 | Swaziland |
213 | Syrie |
214 | Tadjikistan |
215 | Taïwan |
216 | Tanzanie |
217 | Tchad |
219 | Territoires britanniques de l'Océan Indien |
220 | Thaïlande |
222 | Togo |
223 | Tokelau |
224 | Tonga |
227 | Tunisie |
228 | Turkménistan |
230 | Turquie |
231 | Tuvalu |
232 | Ukraine |
233 | Uruguay |
234 | Vanuatu |
235 | Venezuela |
238 | Vietnam |
240 | Yémen |
241 | Serbie |
242 | Zambie |
243 | Zimbabwe |
ID | Name |
100 | Indifférent |
12 | Sans qualification |
11 | CAP |
10 | Lycée |
0 | BAC |
1 | BAC+1 |
2 | BAC+2 |
3 | BAC+3 |
4 | BAC+4 |
5 | BAC+5 |
6 | BAC>5 |
ID | Name |
3 | Auvergne et Rhône-Alpes |
5 | Bourgogne-Franche-Comté |
6 | Bretagne |
7 | Centre - Val de Loire |
8 | Corse |
9 | DROM-COM |
1 | Grand Est |
12 | Hauts-de-France |
10 | Ile de France |
4 | Normandie |
2 | Nouvelle Aquitaine |
11 | Occitanie |
13 | Pays de la Loire |
14 | Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur |
ID | Name | |||
1 | Achat | |||
2 | Logistique / Supply Chain | |||
3 | Commerce / Distribution / Vente | |||
4 | Télévente / Hotline | |||
5 | Commerce international | |||
6 | Marketing | |||
7 | Marketing Digital / e-Commerce | |||
8 | Communication / Evénementiel | |||
9 | Journalisme / RP / Edition / Traduction | |||
10 | Documentation / Veille | |||
11 | RH / Recrutement | |||
13 | Administration / Assistanat | |||
16 | Banque / Assurance | |||
17 | Audit / Comptabilité | |||
18 | Gestion / Finance | |||
19 | Ingénierie Financière | |||
20 | Statistiques | |||
21 | Gestion de projets & Organisation | |||
22 | Econométrie | |||
23 | Droit des Affaires / Fiscalité | |||
24 | Droit | |||
25 | Graphisme / Multimédia | |||
26 | Informatique - Conseil | |||
27 | Informatique - Développement | |||
28 | Informatique de Gestion | |||
29 | Système et Réseaux | |||
30 | Télécoms / Electronique | |||
31 | Agroalimentaire | |||
32 | Ecologie / Environnement | |||
33 | Qualité / Hygiène / Sécurité | |||
34 | Physique et Analyse | |||
35 | Chimie | |||
36 | Géologie / Géochimie | |||
37 | Biologie | |||
38 | Santé / Pharma | |||
39 | Ingénierie | |||
40 | Gestion de Production | |||
41 | Mécanique | |||
43 | Technique / Maintenance | |||
44 | Aéronautique | |||
47 | Energétique | |||
48 | Sciences des Matériaux | |||
50 | Data / Mathématiques Appliquées | |||
51 | Immobilier | |||
52 | Génie Civil / Bâtiment / BTP | |||
53 | Architecture / Urbanisme / Paysage | |||
54 | Social | |||
56 | Tourisme / Hôtellerie | |||
57 | Artisanat | |||
58 | Stylisme | |||
60 | Accueil / Hôte(sse) | |||
61 | Animation / Tourisme | |||
62 | Autre | |||
63 | Chauffeur / Livreur / Coursier | |||
64 | Commerce / Vente | |||
65 | Cours à Domicile | |||
66 | Enquêteur | |||
67 | Manutention / Inventaire | |||
68 | Restauration / Hôtellerie | |||
69 | Télémarketing | |||
70 | Electricité / Electrotechnique | |||
71 | Entretien / Sécurité | |||
72 | Génie des Procédés | |||
74 | Transactions Immobilières | |||
75 | Syndic de Copropriété | |||
76 | Administration de Biens | |||
78 | Informatique Industrielle | |||
79 | Conseil / Stratégie / Management |